Last night we went to the dog park for the first time. I got to meet Steve and Kat, who were really fun. Steve was nice to me and Kat rolled me lots but she didn't scare me. She is so beautiful, woo! Mom Person laughed at me running all over and took a video which she is trying to figure out how to upload. She's not too sharp in that regard but I know she will get it.
Here are some pics of me last night at Fort Woof. That is Kat, and me in the water. It was weird to be allowed in water because Mom Person ALWAYS gets growly when I try to get all in my water bowl. She says she will never have dry tile again in the kitchen. I don't see a problem with that, do you?
That is me, watching Steven and Kat in the water as someone else's Mom Person fills up the pool. The other dog, I don't know his name. You can see through the fence to the small dog and puppy side. I should be over there, but I have so much energy I scared some of the little ones so when Steve and Kat arrived, I went to the big dog area. Much much better!
Mom Person calls this picture BLUR. I zoomed LOTS!! It was so much fun once I figured out it was okay to run and run and run!!
And this is me last night. I was sooo tired, I'd played and run so hard! Happy sigh. Mom Person calls this picture Maddox LongLegs because it shows how long my legs are now. I am still not Big though, like the other dogs out there. There was one dog I really liked named Shiner, an all white Greyhound with a patch over his eye. Think that is how he got his name. He was lotsa fun and I hope he is back. There was also a beautiful green-eyed dog mom says is a Weimersomething. I can't remember, but she is in the video mom will try and upload next.
Mom made me pose to show how tired I still was. She said, "What a nice, quiet evening for a change!" Wonder what she meant by that?
That's all for now. Mom Person says now that she has this new camera phone, she'll take more pictures. I wonder if I can go back to Fort Woof soon? I miss it already!
Hi ya Maddox! Great pictures. Thanks for saying I'm bewootiful. I'm blushing. :-) You look pretty tired in your pictures. We can't wait to meet up with you again at the dog park. You'll probably be so much bigger!!!
Hi Maddox! Nice to "meet" you. My name is Royal and I found your blog from Steve & Kat. Im a puppy too- sorta. Im 8 months old now, but I still act like a puppy! Well, hope to see more of you!
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