It's Me, Maddox!!!!

And me, Shelby!!!!!
We are so happy to be home! Mommy is happy we are home, too--when she came to get us, she had leaky eyes when we raaaaannn into her arms. I licked her all over and hugged her and Shelby woo'd with joy.Looky looky at our gorgeous new fence Mom paid 'mega-bucks' (whatever that is) for, just for us! It is more beautiful than she thought it would be. The only thing is now we can't see through it. We can't see Charlie, the Doxie next door anymore. We can hear him barking though.

Shelby inspected the new gate and found it SOLID. Darn it! It is metal reinforced, too--I'm checking the bottom, to see if there is a way to dig out from underneath. THERE IS!! But Mom says "No, Maddox, I'm not done yet!" She's going to 'reinforce' the dirt so we can't dig under. She says it gives her The Terrors to think of us digging under the gate. She worries too much. I mean, so we like to do walkabouts now and think. No big deal, right?

Shelby did this to Mom's foot. It wasn't me--no, not MY claw, no way.... (Mom here--I don't know which one it was, but when I finally took their leads off, one of them raked across my foot--OUCH!!!!)

Shelby and I decided it would be great fun to play wrestle on mom's bed. She gave up on the pretty stuff for some reason, and uses N's blankie. N wants a NEW blankie for some reason... Don't know why, he loves Shelby and Shelby's fur is all over it... Sounds perfect to me!

The last three days were really tough at The Vet's. Never mind that they spoil us rotten, baby us, give us baths, kiss our snooters, play with us, rub our bellies.... We are so very glad to be home!
Shelby here for a second--I need thoughts. Mom says "Shelby, you need to go on a diet." I have no idea what this means, but she showed me this today. I am not sure--what IS this, anyone know? Should I be worried? What do you guys think? Green beans???? Why is she showing me this?

Okay that is all, pups and peeps! I think Shelby has the right idea, don't you? Nite all!!!

Oh one more thing--a video of us enjoying our new backyard!!!!!!! Mom is crazy on it--and our neighbor, Doug, who built the Puppy Prison for us, is in it too. :) (Mom here--I sound out of breath cuz I'd just been hauling tree limbs to the gate--there were so many though, I decided to let the kids out for a bit... :)
Welcome home you two! Your mom really missed you, and so did all your SMS aunts.
Love the new fence, and mom is jealous of the prison (we don't understand why).
Enjoy your new play yard. Oh yeah, no clawing the mom's feety feet, how can she take you for walkies if she's lame?
What a khool playhouse!!
Your mom did such a great thing fur woo!!!
Stay away from The Humom's feety feet - hers aren't as well built as ours are!!1
Glad you're home--and posting again!! We've missed you guys! We like your fence, and we wish we had grass like you guys do!
Oh what a be-wooo-tiful fence! I'm so glad you are both home! And I hope you enjoy your new fence, and freedom! Well, once the gate and bottom of the fence are reinforded, obviously!!
Looks like your Mom loves you ALOT to give you a maximum security prison like that! We have one of them too. There's just no way we can get out. Oh well - it's pretty cool here. They give us food and treats, and nice place to sleep. Hope Mom's footy foot feels better!
Good morning everyone, thank you for the comments! Thor, I will get you added as soon as I can.
The fence is pure heaven, puppy prison is heaven--knowing they are safe out there is DEFINITELY heaven!!! I still have three problems--the sides of the house (no grass-mud pits) and under the tree. I kinda like the meadow grass--the pups are so cute running through it. LOL. And they like chasing things through it. But I suppose I should take my neighbor up on his offer to zoom his tractor mower over it.
Sigh--am quite happy this morning. Things back to completely normal around here. :)
(My foot is fine--like all of us, I'm quite used to having my body parts shredded by nails)
The kids' mom
Your new fence looks great! Tell your mom congrats. Also, tell Shelby that I have eaten a couple green beans before and they are delicious. Sometimes Mom accidentally drops them when she eats and I sweep up for her. She puts butter on them. Delish!
We can telly your mom loves both of woo very much!
Woo woo, KA
Was your mom wearing boots? If not, oh well!
I get grean beans. Yum! Sinjin asks for them too! Lucy didn't like them. I don't know why.
But the Human Assistant says I'm the only one that needs green beans.
I don't understand why. I didn't turn into a vegetablarian!
Oh! And welcome home!
You gots a very nice back yard & new fence, Maddy & Shelby! We had sum bad storms in PGH. We don't want a dry droughty summer, but sum nice warmish (not hot, hot, hot) days & weeks would be nice. We bets, you 2 were glad to come home again & run around in yur yard.
-Cosmos & Juneau-
Wow your backyard and new fence look fantastic and Siberian Husky proof. :) What a wonderful present your Mom gave to you!
Wow, you mom spent all her mega bucks on fixing the yard for you pups. She must love you lots!
Kiss you mom's foot so it gets better.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
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